Imitation wood paper

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Shenzhen huaxin decoration materials co. LTD

Contact person: manager wang

Phone: 13510031896

Phone number: 0755-23245337

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QQ: 1092988522


Address: 51 changzhen road, changzhen community, guangming new district, shenzhen city

平凉Wood Paper Supplier

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平凉Wood Paper Supplier

  • Taxonomy:平凉Wood paper

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  • Date of release:2018/06/29
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The wood paper paper belongs to the classification of the Polaroid paper in the decorative paper. It is mainly the requirement of formaldehyde free. The wood paper industry has developed a new technology. It is dipped with melamine resin, and then the hot press is different. After the ink is finished on the surface of the paper, the water based polyurethane resin is then coated on the surface. To compensate for the problem of wear resistance; waterborne polyurethane resin coated on the surface of the paper, the paper can also be wrapped curl, plasticity will be better than before.

Wood Paper Supplier


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