Imitation wood paper

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Shenzhen huaxin decoration materials co. LTD

Contact person: manager wang

Phone: 13510031896

Phone number: 0755-23245337

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QQ: 1092988522


Address: 51 changzhen road, changzhen community, guangming new district, shenzhen city

连云港Wood paper price

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连云港Wood paper price

  • Taxonomy:连云港Magic color printing cost

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  • Date of release:2018/06/29
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Wood-grain paper is a kind of special paper. Generally, the original wood pulp kraft paper is used as the base paper, and then the surface is processed by embossing, dyeing and other techniques. Finally, the paper with colorful and different patterns is produced. Because of its high appreciation, practicability and high cost performance, wood-grain paper has been used in various fields, especially packaging of various products.

Wood paper price


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